winkyduck is a ******


Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
dude this isnt cool.we try to stay away from this here.dont know what your hoping to accomplish with this thread but your going to get bashed i promise you this.

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
johnnycnote said:
a disgrace to manhood.

WTF is wrong with you??? Winky is sweet and funny, dude.
Maybe YOU are.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
winky a disgrace to manhood? you havent seen his"pic" then. hes all man from california to hes definitly the most open,up front and funny guy ive ever

New member
Apr 20, 2000
we all know that winky got a thing for roxy. everybody at bash cant wait to see what happens with these two. might be a quick drive through wedding where everyone at bash a witness. would be great for rx.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
gijoe said:
we all know that winky got a thing for roxy. everybody at bash cant wait to see what happens with these two. might be a quick drive through wedding where everyone at bash a witness. would be great for rx.
its all in fun joe.winkys got a thing for all women of the world. what a great humanitarian .

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999


I TOLD YOU not to post here! Just because i forgot to get you a B-Day gift doesn't mean you need to go to these lengths. I thought by picking you and Mom up at the airport last night and treating you to dinner (OK - so it was Soupplantation - but Mom wanted to go there so that's not my fault) that would be taken care of. Just for that - the next time I go mystery shopping at one of your fave places to eat I am NOT taking you - but rather Mom. Happy about that! THERE - I "hit" you in the one place that hurts the most - your stomach and the threat of taking away good food. And to think all of us were planning a real nice surprise party for you in March when you turn 70 - a blowout you would have really loved since it would have had a lot of family and friends there - something you love. Oh, well.


Your oldest son
Now - honestly - this doesn't bother me. I referee around 500 basketball games every year - and have for quite some time. I have been doing it for so long that I learned a LONG time ago to filter out pretty much most of what people say when in uniform. I have been called MUCH WORSE by MUCH BETTER (What's that Ann Meyers - your kid didn't palm the ball or push off on the rebound - from my P.O.V. he did - and btw - D.J. sure looks a lot like his father Don!). I also know it is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone to like me - and honestly - it doesn't bother me if/when they do. the ONLY thing i ask for - is that you don't like me for the right reasons. hate me because i did somthing to you - and i can live with that. but ask my good friends what they think of me - and my guess is you will be hard pressed to find someone to say something bad about me - for i believe a good friend is someone you value. also - i do a LOT of business on eBay. for those familiar with it - we have a feedback rating of about 350 - with 100% POSITIVE feedback and almost 500 total feedback. do you know how hard that is to do? all ya gotta do is piss off ONE persona nd you are no longer 100% - yet i have managed to make almost 1,000 people 100% happy (not all leave feedback) - and that is hard to do unless you work your ass off and treat people the RIGHT way and the way you, yourself, want to be treated.

as for this person's opinion - the ONE THING i will fight to the death for is his right to say this. i am a staunch believer in freedom of speech - in almost all cases (don't scream "FIRE" in a crowded theater when there isn't one, don't advocate killing a certain race/religion/etc. just because you disagree with what they stand for) - even this one. IF groups like the KKK and Nazi party JUST wanted to spew their idiotic thoughts i would be all for them - even though I am Jewish in the case of the latter. It's when they start advocating killing people and all sorts of violence that i draw the line. i absolutely DO NOT want this person's post altered in any way and would fight like hell that it not be. he has the right to say this and while i don't agree with it - or even understand why he is saying it - he has the RIGHT to say it.

i listed my e-mail addy above and would LOVE for this person to e-mailme saying why he said what he said. promise i will keep all communication between us - just that - between us for that is another thing i believe in - what is private - stays private. that comes from when i did some reporting and had people leak stuff to me under the condition of anonymity - and i NEVER let them down, even though one time the editor of the school paper threatened to get rid of me unless i told him who said something - and i wouldn' back down (he later did, though).

thanks for all of the kind words people. as for what roxy said - nothing wrong with "having a thing" for women all over the world. better than having a thing for guys all over the world, right? i'd much rather spend a quiet night alone with a woman enjoying her company than with a guy and i'd rather see this woman in a sexy long dress than a guy. and what you said about being upfront and open - that's who i am. it's a LOT easier to tell the truth all the time then to lie and have to recall what lies i told to make sure i don't trip myself up. also - who here like people who are "2-faced"? NOT ME! don't tell me you like me and are my friend and then when i turn around stab me in the back. tell me you don't like me so this way when it comes time to "walk away" i know to backpedal so i can keep my eyes on you. i am the same way - if i tell you i don't like you - and there are people i don't like - i will tell you so. if i tell you i am your friend - I AM and when you need something from me - like a ride to the airport - i'll do it (one of my very best friends flies to the F4 every year from John Wayne - about 10 minutes from me - and because i live so close - i take him to/from the airport every year so he can park his car here and save 4-5 days of airport parking - and no money ever exchanges hands - although he gets me a F4 shirt as a way of "paying me back" - even though he doesn't have to do so - because we are friends and do a lot of favors for each other - the thought of doing it for anything other than free NEVER enters my mind) or when this same friend went for his master's i proofread his 100 page thesis and corrected about 400 errors in them and turned what would have been a "C+" paper at best into an "A" - never charging him for the 8-ish hours it took to do so - because he is one of my best friends. or during football season when friends invite me over to watch the games - they jokingly tell me they won't let me in the door unless i bring my homemade chili and mud pie - which they love so much - and i am happy to do - because the small cost of making it - is nothing compared to the amount of fun and quality time i get to spend with them.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
winkyduck said:

I TOLD YOU not to post here! Just because i forgot to get you a B-Day gift doesn't mean you need to go to these lengths. I thought by picking you and Mom up at the airport last night and treating you to dinner (OK - so it was Soupplantation - but Mom wanted to go there so that's not my fault) that would be taken care of. Just for that - the next time I go mystery shopping at one of your fave places to eat I am NOT taking you - but rather Mom. Happy about that! THERE - I "hit" you in the one place that hurts the most - your stomach and the threat of taking away good food. And to think all of us were planning a real nice surprise party for you in March when you turn 70 - a blowout you would have really loved since it would have had a lot of family and friends there - something you love. Oh, well.


Your oldest son
Now - honestly - this doesn't bother me. I referee around 500 basketball games every year - and have for quite some time. I have been doing it for so long that I learned a LONG time ago to filter out pretty much most of what people say when in uniform. I have been called MUCH WORSE by MUCH BETTER (What's that Ann Meyers - your kid didn't palm the ball or push off on the rebound - from my P.O.V. he did - and btw - D.J. sure looks a lot like his father Don!). I also know it is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone to like me - and honestly - it doesn't bother me if/when they do. the ONLY thing i ask for - is that you don't like me for the right reasons. hate me because i did somthing to you - and i can live with that. but ask my good friends what they think of me - and my guess is you will be hard pressed to find someone to say something bad about me - for i believe a good friend is someone you value. also - i do a LOT of business on eBay. for those familiar with it - we have a feedback rating of about 350 - with 100% POSITIVE feedback and almost 500 total feedback. do you know how hard that is to do? all ya gotta do is piss off ONE persona nd you are no longer 100% - yet i have managed to make almost 1,000 people 100% happy (not all leave feedback) - and that is hard to do unless you work your ass off and treat people the RIGHT way and the way you, yourself, want to be treated.

as for this person's opinion - the ONE THING i will fight to the death for is his right to say this. i am a staunch believer in freedom of speech - in almost all cases (don't scream "FIRE" in a crowded theater when there isn't one, don't advocate killing a certain race/religion/etc. just because you disagree with what they stand for) - even this one. IF groups like the KKK and Nazi party JUST wanted to spew their idiotic thoughts i would be all for them - even though I am Jewish in the case of the latter. It's when they start advocating killing people and all sorts of violence that i draw the line. i absolutely DO NOT want this person's post altered in any way and would fight like hell that it not be. he has the right to say this and while i don't agree with it - or even understand why he is saying it - he has the RIGHT to say it.

i listed my e-mail addy above and would LOVE for this person to e-mailme saying why he said what he said. promise i will keep all communication between us - just that - between us for that is another thing i believe in - what is private - stays private. that comes from when i did some reporting and had people leak stuff to me under the condition of anonymity - and i NEVER let them down, even though one time the editor of the school paper threatened to get rid of me unless i told him who said something - and i wouldn' back down (he later did, though).

thanks for all of the kind words people. as for what roxy said - nothing wrong with "having a thing" for women all over the world. better than having a thing for guys all over the world, right? i'd much rather spend a quiet night alone with a woman enjoying her company than with a guy and i'd rather see this woman in a sexy long dress than a guy. and what you said about being upfront and open - that's who i am. it's a LOT easier to tell the truth all the time then to lie and have to recall what lies i told to make sure i don't trip myself up. also - who here like people who are "2-faced"? NOT ME! don't tell me you like me and are my friend and then when i turn around stab me in the back. tell me you don't like me so this way when it comes time to "walk away" i know to backpedal so i can keep my eyes on you. i am the same way - if i tell you i don't like you - and there are people i don't like - i will tell you so. if i tell you i am your friend - I AM and when you need something from me - like a ride to the airport - i'll do it (one of my very best friends flies to the F4 every year from John Wayne - about 10 minutes from me - and because i live so close - i take him to/from the airport every year so he can park his car here and save 4-5 days of airport parking - and no money ever exchanges hands - although he gets me a F4 shirt as a way of "paying me back" - even though he doesn't have to do so - because we are friends and do a lot of favors for each other - the thought of doing it for anything other than free NEVER enters my mind) or when this same friend went for his master's i proofread his 100 page thesis and corrected about 400 errors in them and turned what would have been a "C+" paper at best into an "A" - never charging him for the 8-ish hours it took to do so - because he is one of my best friends. or during football season when friends invite me over to watch the games - they jokingly tell me they won't let me in the door unless i bring my homemade chili and mud pie - which they love so much - and i am happy to do - because the small cost of making it - is nothing compared to the amount of fun and quality time i get to spend with them.
dont skimp on words winky tell us how you REALLY said. hey can you get me a gig reffing 500 games a year?

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
I think Winky is one of the more valuable posters here. For proof Johnnycnote, wait until the College WS. Nice thing is he doesn't take himself too seroiusly.

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